ผลลัพธ์การค้นหา "Pub and Restaurant"   2 รายการ


WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN PUB AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ? "People buy people, not products" . Management is the key to success in Thailand. If you have a good front person who speaks English, can interact with foreigners and government departments then you are half way home . Location is second. Good parking & lots of foot traffic are important and prime . Ability to service your never ending bills. Remember having a company you must pay tax, accountant fees and other expenses plus but you are far safer than a partnership. Analyse the business for your competition and check them out.  Remember bars, restaurants and guest houses are 7 day events. If you want to work 7 days then OK but believe me after a year you will get a clear message in your brain: "why did I buy this".